Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What are your biggest fears

This blog started off as some sort of a venture which faltered. and then it became my pet for my ideas..and then it turned into a market commentary site..and now I gona deviate part of it back to its origin – more of an idea you still remember what were your ambitions while you were in primary education? I do..I wished to be scientist. wished to be entrepreneur..wished to be an inventor…Well, I am not in any now..but the silver lining is, i still retain the inquisitiveness in me, the entrepreneurial spirit(to my VC friend, I will be back) and thoughts, and finally, the Creating Mind(ala Five MInds for the Future)which mixes disparate ideas into something different. Recently, I have started to firing salvos at a few different areas, putting ideals into motions. As I realized that I do not have to be the owner of the end solution/product/result, I need to contribute the idea, the prototype, or the impetus of a workable solution only. I have been to a few occasions recently, I can see the sparkles in the inventor’s eye. If compared to a lot of dead walking zombies on the road, it is really between heaven and earth. I can feel the enthusiasm of a 1st year undergrads (Woot!) versus the bland expression of someone who has been working for years. I don’t ever want to be like the next guy/girl in the talks/seminars, where nothing is done aftermath and life goes on. If this long winded article lights up a chord in you or you have been slugging it out despite all odds, get in touch =)

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